
The Regulations establish KNZ as a body corporate comprised of six members (a Chair and five member/directors) who each serve for three-year terms.

Back Row:  Jacqui Caine, Neil Trebilco, Colin Olesen

Front Row:  Peter Ombler, Kristy McDonald ONZM KC, Sarah Paterson

Three members are to be elected by Producers (owners of land in New Zealand on which kiwifruit is produced for export sale).  An election is held each year to elect a member by rotation.  Elections are held during August and September.

The remaining two members, and the Chair, must be independent of the kiwifruit industry, and are appointed by the Minister.

Members can only hold office for three terms, whether consecutive or not.

The KNZ Board generally meets monthly, from February to December inclusive.  The directors also consider and approve collaborative marketing applications and which may consist of KNZ only meetings, hearings and review committees.